Visit Japan

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Hirado No.3

To get to the local town, Hirado, I recommend you to take a local train and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere in the train. The train is usually very short with one or two cars. Passengers in the train looks very relaxing and enjoy chatting each other.
Even though you are a foreigner, you may be spoken to by the locals. So, do not hesitate though you cannot speak Japanese and enjoy exchange with them!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Hirado No.2

After Japanese government shifted the special area where trade with foreign countires was petmitted from Hirado to Nagasaki, Hirado became back to a peaceful local town.
There are a beautiful beach and woods left at Hirado.
So, it is also a good idea to stay and relax in natural spots after wandering to sightsee historical spots.

Hirado No.1

Hirado is located at the furtherest west point of Japan's main 4 islands; Hokkaido,
Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu. Hiroado is in Kyushu Island.
Hirado was the first and only place Japanese merchants could trade with foreign countries, mostly Holland and China, during Japan's period of isolation started about 400 years ago.
Therefore, you can see interesting cultural spots there. A Christian cathedral, for example, is next to Japanese Buddist temple as you see in the photo above.
Studying a bit of history of Japan surely makes your visit to Hirado more interesting.