Visit Japan

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Rossia in Japan

As you see in a map, the top north of Japan is pretty close to Rossia. Thus, many ships come and go between Wakkanai (the most northen city in Japan) and Rossia. When Rossian ships are moored in Wakkanai Harbor, you see many Rossian people here and there in the town. Some shops are open just for Rossian customers: the Japanese customers cannot enter the shops. You will see sign board written in Rossian in Wakkanai as the left photo.

In Japan, you will see English signs in middle and large cities, Korean and Chinese signs in the north cities in Kyushu (Southwest of Japan) and Portuguese in town where many Brazilian people work, such as Shizuoka and Gunma in Honshu (mainland of Japan).

As Japan has had a campaign called "Visit Japan Campaign" to welcome more people from overseas, we will see more and more foregin visitors in Japan. I would be fun for us!


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